Update: Challenger Baseball

It’s been several weeks since our last post about Abbotsford Challenger, it’s been busy!  Here is a catch up post on what’s been happening the last few weeks.

We took the May long weekend off so families could get out of town.  Then we were back at it.

Saturday May 23rd

Bantam AA came out a 2nd time to help with our game and they did another outstanding job.  Its easy to see how much they got from the experience and how much the players enjoyed it,

Abby News Article on Cody
If you missed it there was a great article on the front page of the Abby News about one of our Challenger Players, Cody Mutch.  Here an excerpt about the part on Challenger
He also recently began playing with Challenger Baseball, a newly formed division of the Abbotsford Angels Hardball Association. The team is for kids with disabilities who are paired with buddies to help them swing the bat and run the bases.Corinne prepared Cody for the new experience by reading books about baseball with him and having him feel the pieces of equipment, but initially he was overwhelmed with all the noise and the new environment.Corinne took him back to the park when nobody was there. They sat in the dugout and she had Cody run his hands along the chain-link fence, and run the bases. His next game with the team went much more smoothly, and Corinne anticipates continued improvement.
Saturday May 30 
Game and Team Pictures

Saturday June 6
The Abbotsford Cardinals came out a second time to help

Saturday June 13


Open Ceromonies started at 11AM.
Ronald McDonald was there and Bob Brown Bear.
We had a game in the morning, followed by a lunch break, a second game, and finally the closing cermonies.
A big highlight from the Jamboree day was many of our kids started to hit off pitching! Ethan blasted one out to the out field and Katelyn, Max, Eva, all tried hitting from a pitch.
Each player received a Medal and a Jamboree shirt.  It was a great event and fun day.
 contributed by Tim Hall, Challenger Commissioner