Free Registration

As if you needed any more incentive to attend the AGM of the AAHA on September 16, here is one more: Win a free registration!

If you attend the AGM on Monday night, your name will be entered into a draw for a free registration for one child for the 2014 season!

The contest is open only to members in good standing who are parents of registered players.  Each adult who attends the meeting gets one entry, to be drawn at the end of the AGM.


Even if you don’t win the draw, you will still be a winner as you get to experience the joy that is an Annual General Meeting of the Abbotsford Angels Hardball Association. Seriously though, we need your input. Help us set the direction of the Association so that we can deliver the best baseball experience for your kids.


AGM of the AAHA
8:00 PM, Monday, September 16th
Abbotsford Recreation Centre