Angels Clobber Clover
Abbotsford Angels 10
Cloverdale Spurs 1
Mosquito AAA
Cloverdale Spurs 1
Mosquito AAA

The game started out as a pitchers battle for 3 innings, with the Clover ace working through the Angels lineup and Jack Taylor for the Angles equaling theirs. In the 4th inning, the battle and resilience of the Angels were too much for Clover to handle as the boys started pounding the ball – chasing Cloverdale’s top 3 pitchers. Taylor was excellent, throwing 4 innings, while Trey Smith was solid closing out the final 2. As a final parting gift, Micah Bucknam deposited a 200 foot, 3 run Jack into deep right – capping a stellar game for Bucknam and an overall impressive effort by the Angels.
Contributed by Darcy Wakelyn