Pirates Precipitate Parental Palpitations
Pirates 9
Phillies 8

It started out as an otherwise ordinary Tuesday night – as the steady flow of sick and injured approached the check-in window with their aches and pains and otherwise treatable illnesses. But what the Triage Nurse saw next blew her and her 29 years of experience right out the door. At approximately 8:10PM, a mass of parents stormed the hospital entranceway, all seemingly connected by the yellow Pirates jerseys worn by a swarm of 10 and 11 year old kids. One by one, the parents, aghast, out of breath, and faces as pale as bed sheets took their turn explaining how their kids Baseball game nearly did them in.
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Mosquito baseball!

The Pirates came up big in the bottom of the 5th to win the game. Details at this point have been censored and have been withheld as recommended by the Surgeon General. Gotta love those kids.
Player of the game: Nische Saini
contributed by Darcy Wakelyn