Openings on the Executive

Please plan on attending the AGM for the AAHA on Monday, September 16th at 7:00 at ARC.
As a parent of an Abbotsford Angels baseball player, you are a member of the AAHA and your input is vital!
Please also consider getting involved with the AAHA Executive. Most of the current Executive members are returning for the coming year. However, a number of members are not seeking re-election and as such, there a some positions that will need to be filled. If you are interested in one of the following positions, or if you know of someone who you think would be well suited for the job, please contact the President of the AAHA, Dan Dick (see contact info below.) You can also nominate someone at the meeting, or have someone nominate you.
Positions that may need to be be filled for the coming year include:
- 1st Vice President
- 2nd Vice President
- Fields Coordinator
- Midget Commissioner
- Peewee Commissioner
For more information, contact:
Dan Dick
President, AAHA