Clash of the Titans

Pirates 9
Nationals 6
Mosquito Report: In keeping with the rich and long standing tradition of Abbotsford Baseball, it was “Meet The Players” night at Grant Park.  For those of you new to baseball, it is a rare and exciting chance for the ever-so-supportive fan base to spend some time behind the scenes with their favorite ball hero on the last regular season game of the year – a rainy and messy one at that.  In a surprising turn of events, the post-game predicted looks of awe and amazement and autograph-seeking by the fan-base turned into acts of shock, horror, and disgust as the players smiled sheepishly covered head-to-toe in mud.
…back to the game… In a game that sportswriters dubbed the “Clash of the Titans”, the 1st and 2nd placed Mosquito teams put on a display ever-so-worthy of the title.  It took the very last bats for the Pirates to finish with the win, but not before some clutch performances by both teams.  Saving their best for last – both Tyler McInnes and Jordan Waldner came up with their best and most timely hits of the season – knocking in hard-to come by runs by the stingy Nationals defence.  The game was kept in check early on by the great performance of Denver Kitt of the Nationals – who dug deep and pitched a great first inning and shut down the Pirates with the bases loaded.  Other highlights include an 8-pitch walk in the nail-biting last inning by Braeden Lowry facing the Nationals closer and the tremendous catch in deep left by Kayden Champion of the Nationals off the bat of Connor Krahn.
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